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Hot Cayenne Pepper
Thai Chili Pepper
Hot Red Chili Pepper
Thai Pepper
August 14, 2023
Peppers in My City Garden JC this year:
Sweet Red Mini Bell Peppers (pictured above)
Thai Chili Peppers
Hot Red Chili Peppers
Thai Hot Peppers (these start out black and turn red)
They have purple flowers which is unusual
Cayenne Peppers (the old standby for hot sauce. )
It only takes a few of these babies to heat up a meal!!
August 19, 2023
What to love about August. Crickets, Peppers, Moon Flowers, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Cicadas
August 29, 2023
In some ways, it's the best part of the summer. The colors tend to gold, red and orange and are just lovely in the sunlight. Veggies are starting to ripen and there are still plenty of flowers. The cooler weather is easier on the flowers which don't do well in the brunt of high heat... Still good crops of cherry tomatoes, basil, rosemary, dill, mesclun mix, pak choy, lettuce. The cukes have been a problem, not very many of them and it seems I'm not the only one w/ that problem. A professor of plant bio I know, said sometimes it's the seeds, sometimes it's the variation of temperatures that affect whether there are cukes.