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My CIty Garden jC

City flowers & Vegetables

Things you can grow in the urban garden:

Grow on a balcony, Patio, raised bed, Fence Boxes, Pots, Front steps!

A sunflower is growing in front of a building


A bowl of salad with a spoon in it

Homemade Salads

A close up of a red rose with a green stem.


A white bowl filled with yellow tomatoes with green stems


A large green leaf with holes in it on a white background
A bowl filled with yellow tomatoes and red peppers

Tasty & Healthy

This is not a new idea. Everything from the Potager (French),to the Kailyard and the Victory Garden is really a traditional kitchen garden. Vegetables, salad greens and even some fruit trees and bushes are grown. Even flowers like Nasturtiums and Squash blossoms (which are edible) can be grown.

since 2008

More Gardens


Your impact

on the planet

Go Local, Grow Local

Trade produce with other local gardeners for variety. 

Local agriculture

Shop at local farmers markets with items from less than 100 miles away.

100% organic

Organic options are available, you decide what to use. There are many  healthy options.

No pesticides

Control insects and pests with non toxic things like soap, vinegar, etc. 

No Waste

Your own food scraps can go into a compost bin cutting down the need for fertilizers.

Green logistics

Helps cut down emissions if you grow and shop local.

Photos this page: Copyright 2024 C. Nissen

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